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Automation is a widely used comprehensive science and technology

Release time: 2017-06-27 7:45:29

Source: Ningbo Eagle Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

Automation is a comprehensive science and technology involving a wide range of disciplines. As a system engineering, it consists of five units:
① program unit. Decide what to do and how to do it;
② the role of units. Energize and locate;
③ sensor unit. Testing the performance and status of the process;
④ to develop units. The information sent by the sensor unit to compare, develop and issue a command signal;
⑤ control unit. To establish and adjust the role of the unit.

        The research contents of automation are mainly composed of automatic control and information processing, including theory, method, hardware and software. From the application point of view, the research contents are process automation, mechanical manufacturing automation, management automation, laboratory automation and home automation Wait.

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