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About the spring vibration plate

Release time: 2017-06-30 8:47:09

Source: Ningbo Eagle Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd


Construction of spring vibration plate. By the visible, the upper and lower bodies are connected by a guide bar with a rubber hinge, and the guide rod is passed through the rubber hinge of the midpoint and on the bracket base of the bracket, with a total of 9 pairs of guide rods and supports The upper and lower tubes are also associated with shearing springs. In addition, the upper and lower tube body is also equipped with elastic connecting rod transmission device, so that the shearing rubber spring, connecting rod bomb and the upper and lower tube body in the near resonance state of the main vibration system.

In the bottom of the chassis is also installed with 9 pairs of vibration isolation spring, vibration isolation spring total stiffness is designed according to the following principles, that is, it is in the vertical direction of the low frequency natural frequency in the range of 200-280 times / min selected, so that The vibrating spring and the entire weight it supports form a vibration isolation system that operates far away from the resonant state.

The advantages of the vibration plate is: the amount of transmission, vibration isolation is good, the noise is very small, the installation is very convenient, maintenance maintenance work less, more economical power consumption and so on.

This vibration plate structure is more complex, the machine height is also larger. Therefore, it is suitable for large output, requiring good isolation performance of the occasion.

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