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Difference between non-standard automation and automation equipment

Release time: 2020-03-18 10:07:48

Non-standard automation is generally worth the automation equipment customized according to customer needs, not standardized automation equipment, but also belongs to the scope of automation. It is characterized by the automation equipment customized for the needs of the enterprise. The automatic operation is easy and efficient, which can improve the efficiency and efficiency of the enterprise. Automation equipment is widely used in the fields of electronics manufacturing, machinery industry, health care and aerospace.

Due to economic development in modern society, few people are willing to go to work in factories. The direct phenomenon is that labor force is reduced and labor cost is increased. Many automation equipment companies aim at this to expand their markets with business opportunities. And how to solve the lack of labor and improve production efficiency is also the primary figure in the automation equipment industry.
There are many non-standard automation companies, but most of them are small-scale small enterprises, with backward technology, no innovation, and serious product homogeneity.
So what are the differences between non-standard automation and automation equipment?
1. The automation equipments are all professional and extreme equipments. Non-standard automation equipments can be matched and set according to the needs and actual conditions of the enterprise. They are not standardized automation equipments.
2, because non-standard automation equipment needs enterprise customization, the output is relatively small. The automation equipment is produced according to industry standards and has a large output.
3. Non-standard automation equipment is customized according to demand. Automation equipment generally has fixed functions.
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