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Installation and maintenance of vibration plate electromagnet

Release time: 2017-05-25 9:28:56

The anchor bolts must be tightened
1. When installed on the vibration machine, its anchor bolts must be fastened, each nut must be under the elastic washer, if necessary, double nut fastening.
2. At the beginning of the operation, the motor's anchor bolts should be tightened several times. In the early operation, due to bolts, nuts, base plane running between, will reduce the tightening force, there is a small loose, so need to tighten several times, the beginning of fasting once a day, two weeks later, tightened once a week.
3. Check the damp situation. Vibration motor transport process or long-term idle, may be damp, before use should check the winding insulation, if the damp should be used to deal with the corresponding method.
4. Vibrating motor generally run 4-6 months minor repairs once a year overhaul once. Minor repair when the body dust, check the coil insulation resistance, wiring is solid, timely removal of hidden dangers. Overhaul should be opened when the motor, with compressed air inside and outside the net blowing, check the bearing wear and replace the new grease.

Vibration motor product features:
1. High efficiency of exciting force, low energy consumption, low noise, long life.
2. Can be used for metallurgical, power, mining, coal, ceramics, chemicals, food and other industrial sectors.
3. Can be used for a variety of silos, hoppers, chute wall vibration, to prevent material retention, to promote the rapid movement of materials.

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