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Vibration plate industrial automation

Release time: 2017-08-09 8:37:05

Source: Ningbo Eagle Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

Industrial automation system application software, due to increasingly high precision control requirements, many complex industrial processes require automatic control, the value of the software will be higher and higher. The application software of the industrial automation system is closely related to the process of the controlled object, and has the characteristics of the industry. Industry software will become the core of the entire system of technology, in this area the focus of market competition is who mastered the software. In the fierce competition in domestic and foreign markets, in order to reduce costs and improve product quality, product production line equipment to high-speed, continuous and large-scale development. In order to improve the operating rate, reduce the failure rate; energy saving, improve product quality, production market much-needed products, many links have been non-human can, automation system has become an indispensable key equipment, become one of the elements of productivity.


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