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Vibration disk set

Analysis of the causes of vibration or vibration slowness

Release time: 2019-10-25 9:07:30

Vibration plate vibration is weak or too slow, feeding sporadically or irregularly, probably due to:
Spring break
2. The bottom plate is too thin Cixi vibration plate, automation equipment
3. The mounting table is defective and lacks hardness. If it is suspended on the equipment table, it will cause the vibration to be too weak. The thickness of the table should be at least 1-1/2, so that it will not absorb vibration. The cylindrical legs must be equipped with triangular support pieces.
4. The countertop is not level
5. There are debris in the plate
6. Coil air gap should be as small as possible
7. The machine is too fast to cause the parts to slip off the vibrating plate.
8. Grid fluctuations
9. The controller needs to be re-adjusted to accommodate grid fluctuations.
10. Parts problem: tolerance, bending, oil, etc.
11. The plate and base fastening screws are not tight or the position is incorrect.
12. Too many parts
13. The chassis is not properly adjusted
14. Material changes, the disk surface should be re-trimmed and the chassis re-adjusted
15. In the case of air blowing, there may be some problems, such as unstable air pressure, gas source pollution, water or oil, which will stay on the surface of the vibrating plate, causing the feeding speed to slow down or even not go. The gas source must be clean and dry with separate regulators and filters. Do not use rigid tubes to reduce feed performance. A flexible hose should be used.
16. The controller frequency is incorrect (such as half-wave/full-wave selection switch).
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